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Exceptional Proofreading and Editing Services

Improve Your Book With Professional Book Editing Services

It feels good to finish the first draft of a book, whether it's a novel, short story, or nonfiction piece. At first glance, you will be happy to see that you have something to flaunt and take ownership of a book. But after some time, you may realize, though, that more work is needed before you can begin the publishing process after the euphoria wears off.

Book Editors for Hire

Expert advice is needed at every stage of the work, regardless of the profession, if you want to be successful in an increasingly competitive market. A book critique will give you an honest assessment of your work once you've completed your first draft. You can follow up with professional editing after you've done some rewriting. No matter if you're aiming to get your book published through a traditional publisher or if you plan to self-publish your ebook, our experienced editors are here to provide the feedback you need to elevate your writing.

Got an Idea for a Plot?

24/7 Proofreading Services & Editing by Experienced Professionals

Don't waste your time searching for the answer to what proofreading is. With an amazing team of editors from different corners of the world, we're available 24/7, so you can send your document from anywhere at any time. The editors at Wiley Book Publishers are graduates of top-tier universities. Our editors are Native English speakers who have been meticulously vetted for their proofreading skills and subject matter expertise.

We believe that editing is similar to writing a document, but editing requires more research and attention to detail. Similar to writing, editing is a living craft, and it should be constantly developed, practiced, and enhanced. Your book is more than a collection of words for us and sentences written together. In addition to correcting grammatical errors and making stylistic recommendations, editors consider the context and can easily do the proofreading website task

  • Copy Editing Service
  • Non-Fiction Writing
  • Professional Proofreading
  • Book Cover Designing
  • Fiction Writing
  • Novel Editing
  • Proofreading Services
  • Book Editing And Publishing

Step by Step Guide to How the Wiley Book Publishers Work

Wiley Book Publishers focus on giving unique and exciting book covers for clients. The book covers can grab the attention of serious readers. The book title cover is something that speaks for the book. The inspirational designs and color scheme for the novel title covers are made with creativity to maintain the book's originality by the Wiley Book Publishers.


Searching For The Best Ghostwriting Services

The first step involves clients searching for Professional Ghostwriting services. Then, moving further, in the communication phase, the client and writing professionals will talk to each other via personal communication. Finally, when you approve the outline, we select one of our great writers from that category to work on your future best seller.


Of Book

The next phase consists of a meeting to better understand the book and chapters. Then, the clients further share the kind of genre we want from the ghost book writers and storylines. Finally, the Wiley Book Publishers will ask about the characters and how the client wants to display them.



When the writer sends a chapter to you for approval, the ghost book writers will wait for your consent, so you can make changes without affecting the whole project every time a revision is made.


From Customer

The ghost book writers at Wiley Book Publishers value their clients and make the necessary changes according to the author's needs and demands.



The Wiley Book Publishers is one of the best ghost book writer websites. After getting the client's review and feedback, the Wiley Book Publishers work on creating the final draft after careful formatting.



The final draft is ready once all the considerations and demands of the clients are met. Wiley Book Publishers try to meet deadlines and submit high-quality, engaging books. Wiley Book Publishers possess superb editing skills. In addition, the quality assurance manager verifies all the work before delivering the novel to the clients.

Connect With a Trusted Team Inspired Book Editors for Hire

With us, you can have a book published that will leave a lasting impression.

Wiley Book Publishers and Our Genres

Children's Books

Our Wiley Book Publishers are known to add magic to your books for children. Our creative team focuses on easy-to-grasp words for the children.

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Memoir & Autobiography

Wiley Book Publishers are not only good writers but also excellent interviewers. We have the skills to give words to our emotions and feelings, exploring the ideas from our point of view.

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Self-Help Books

Suppose you dream of owning a self-help book. In that case, the team of qualified ghostwriters is capable enough of captivating stories for a self-help book with their years of experience.

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Business Books

Writing a professional and thoughtful book is something most people find hard to hit the bull’s eye with. Nevertheless, if you plan to turn your ideas into a book, the top writers...

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Wiley Book Publishers have an incredible linguistic ability to describe and explain events perfectly. We can paint a clear and imaginative picture with their exceptional words.

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At times, wish we could share many things with the world, but then our words fail us. But the good part is you can count on our professional fiction ghostwriters to turn your ideas into stories...

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Sci-Fi Novels

Is writing a space opera something you have always wanted to do? Are you considering writing a book but cannot articulate your ideas clearly? Don’t worry!...

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Women Fiction

In addition to many other genres, women’s fiction is a genre that is explicitly aimed at female readers. In all the books, our writers describe the character's progress and experience as a woman in society.

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Why Hire Us?

Project Brief & Outline

Our professional ghost book writers gather the relevant project briefs from our customers, i.e., your genre, book publishing deadlines, writing goals, etc. Our in-depth research begins after collecting project briefs and understanding the discussed strategies. Since we are a Wiley Book PublishersService, we hire a ghostwriter to draft the manuscript; then, we share the outline with clients for feedback.

Initial Draft

We begin creating the first draft of the book once the client approves the outline. You are then asked to review it, and if you recommend any changes, our writers ghostwrite a book according to the demands.

Proofreading & Editing Process

The editor for the manuscript is assigned to proofread the book and carry on editing the content until your draft is 100% error-free. Creative nonfiction writers share it with our customers, ask for their comments, and edit the document until they are satisfied with the book.

Ebook Formatting Service

Our professional team ghostwrites a book after formatting and designing the manuscript per the publishing platform's guidelines.

Final Stage of Biography Writing

The ghost book writers develop a book on your demand and add the necessary details to the book's final draft. Your book can achieve a prominent position among the targeted readers.

As Featured In

Does the above-mentioned question pop up in your mind repeatedly?

Wiley Book Publishers have ghost marketers for multiple fields. We deliver the best marketing books services, which are extensively defined in our advertising plans. We understand how hard it is for any author to hire a marketer to design a marketing campaign because this job has to be completed perfectly without any errors.

Our marketers understand marketing strategies and study and are aware of the latest marketing trends in the industry. Many authors spend hours searching for the best book promotion service regularly. At Wiley Book Publishers, our PR experts make sure that the best marketing approaches are employed to serve our clients’ needs. Moreover, our rate chart is affordable for everyone, so you don't need a heavy purse to avail of our services.

Do you know that book marketing has become an inevitable part of book promotion? Well, we are here to explain the crucial role marketing plays in book publishing. Book writing is difficult, but what's more challenging than that? It is appropriately reaching the right audience.

Book writing and publishing involve multiple stages. After draft completion, the next stage involves intriguing the readers to read your masterpiece. For a better reach, you need advertising specialists who can perform extensive book promotion at a more significant level. So, the best option is to get a trained marketer onboard for the time-consuming task.

Self-publishing is one of the quickest and smartest ways to show your book to the world. This process comprises literature, music, and other forms of marketing. Self-publishing is an autonomous body of traditional editors. You can use any self-publishing site, for example, Amazon, to circulate your work. You can even hire trustworthy book reproducing services like Wiley Book Publishers to do the legwork for you.

Furthermore, you maintain complete control over the entire process as an author, including publishing formats, price, book cover, book interior design, distribution, and, most importantly, marketing and promotion.


Get your hands on our valuable marketing services and connect yourself to people across the globe.

Why is Marketing Promotion Important?

An essential component of a book's success lies in its promotion. Our professionals go above and beyond to get your book recognized all around the world. To ensure this, our advertising specialists execute marketing strategies that are innovative and practical and can positively impact the reach of your book. So, to ensure this, our advertising specialists devise marketing strategies that are innovative and unique.

Advertising and promotion are two different facets of a comprehensive marketing strategy. Promoting is essential to create a look, impression, and message of your book that will be reminisced by book lovers and will encourage them to read your book. Our specialists at Wiley Book Publishers also position the book relative to the current market and target the specific audience to make the author and their work prominent in the audience’s eyes.

There are thousands of authors who have written remarkable books, but several publishing firms rejected their books, and the reasons are still not known. It’s high time that you leave these rejections behind and hire our experts to resolve the problems that are coming your way. We use our resources & PR to get your dream book published by your desired publishing house.

Our proposed solutions can help you face all the multi-faceted odd factors and chase your dreams. At Wiley Book Publishers, we have the most qualified and professional book publishers who assist writers in entering the market while earning the respect and reputation that they and their work deserve.